[Letter of 1878 January 7]


[Letter of 1878 January 7]
Digital Collection
William Still Collection
Blockson manuscripts
William Still Collection
Digital Publisher
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Libraries
Document Content
Phila Jan. 7th '78/ Dear Carrie:/ Having a few/ spare moments I will/ now answer your letter of/ a recent date./ Pop thinks/ by the looks of your last/ paper must certainly be/ scarce so keep your [tip?]/ eye open./ The ties sent to mother & me were received/ yesterday it was of course/ a great surprise and we are/ very much pleased. R.W./ was delighted with his pin./ I suppose he will write/ his own thanks./ When pop told me he/ had written you and sent some/ money/ I thought sure some/ was for bonbons. I dont/ think old Santa means to/ slight you but you know/ he sometimes moves very slow./ "Excuse hastes" that/ "handsome present from Lola"/ was not from a gentleman./ I geuss[sic] you meant your/ roommates' roommate, could have/ eaten the whole half dozen./ There were only a hundred/ and not quiet that/ many sent. I dished them/ out very freely. But if/ I had a chance I/ could send you some this/ week. As some more are/ on the road./ Last Monday/ pop brought me very unexpect/ edly, a muff & boa./ They didnt come a day to/ soon. I thought I told you, I/ was invited to Henny's/ New Year's day was very/ gay the ladies having open/ houses. I had a number/ of Callers. [?] & Andrew/ Hill, Joe Beth, & Price came/ in a carriage. Lewis &/ Cromwell on foot. Bowers/ held a reception at night./ I was invited but did/ not go. We had a reunion/ at the church the same/ evening. Mother is going/ to have some of her friends/ to tea Thurs. evening Mrs./ Hannah Miller & daughter/ as [Lottie?] Rassett is boarding/ there thought she would ask/ her too, but I objected when/ she named Bucket as he/ never calls: with some/ more of her friends./ She is going to leave a/ tart supper I tell you./ Chicken salad fried & stewed/ oysters, jelly &c.&c.&c.&c.&c./ Cousin Belinda has/ been appointed matron out/ to the home. We are looking/ for her down every day./ I keep forgetting to tell/ you I have a motto there/ for you and as soon as/ it is finished I shall/ hang it in the Library./ We have turned it into a/ sitting room as the down/ stair room is so cold./ Miss L. Jackson has been/ quite sick./ Ada Bowers/ and Mother called this/ morning they were invited for/
Item ID
number of pages
Anderson, Caroline Still, 1848-1911 [recipient]
Temple University Libraries, Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection
This material is made available for private study, scholarship, and research use. For access to the original letter or high-resolution reproduction, please contact the Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection (blockson@temple.edu; 215-204-6632).
New Year