Copyright and Citation Guide

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Citation Guidelines

Citing these pages: Anything quoted from this site must credit William Still: An African-American Abolitionist: Philadelphia, as well as the author, title, and web address.  Here is the recommended citation form: Author, "article title or page title," William Still: An African-American Abolitionist: Philadelphia < (add the complete URL for the specific page)>

Citing individual items: The following are examples of citations for online photographs, newspaper clippings, documents, oral history interviews, and news film clips in Chicago style:

  • John W. Mosley, photograph of W.E.B. DuBois, February 4, 1945,  William Still: An African-American Abolitionist: Philadelphia , accessed May 24, 2012, < (add the complete URL for the specific photo)>
  • Joseph S. Thompson, Bethel Gleanings, 1881,  William Still: An African-American Abolitionist: Philadelphia, accessed May 24, 2012, < (add the complete URL for the specific pamphlet)>
  • William Still to Caroline Still Anderson, March 6, 1876,  William Still: An African-American Abolitionist: Philadelphia, accessed May 24, 2012, < (add the complete URL for the specific document)>
  • Messrs. Broadbent and Phillips, reproduction of lithograph of Octavius V. Catto, n.d.,  William Still: An African-American Abolitionist: Philadelphia, accessed May 24, 2012, < (add the complete URL for the specific lithograph)>